Brought to you by Operation Head Pigeon's member, Control Brain Rel.

As most of you already know, Operation Head Pigeons was MURDERED 2 nights ago as we counted down to 10,000 members, twice our original goal. The next day, your Control Brains were already on the scene trying to sort things out with a broken-hearted Tallest Sarah.

Although the reason for the sudden deletion of all of our hard work is unknown, Tallest Sarah reported to us that she was sent a message from Facebook saying that the page was reported for "abusive content". This is obviously not true, and we're working our hardest to get our page back. Meanwhile, we opened up Operation Head Pigeons 2.0, while dealing with two fraud pages, Operation Head Pigeons, and Operation Head Pigeons 0.2. The second fraud I mentioned thankfully deleted itself and apologized, but the other is still up. SO BE ON THE ALERT.

Operation Head Pigeons 2.0 has been working hard to flock all of it's 10,000 members over to the new page, but we can't do it without your help! So we're initiating a new mission, OPERATION REACTIVATION. We need all of you to spread the word, get to Operation Head Pigeons 2.0!!! We need to get back on track, and we can't let this bring us down!

To report on any "conspiracy theories" on the matter, we have no proof whatsoever that Nickelodeon Studios is behind the deletion of our site, as many seem to believe. And frankly, don't you think they would have something better to do than mess with a teenage fan-page (That's basically what they think of us). We have some suspicions of the reasons behind the deletion of our site, but we will say nothing until these suspicions are confirmed.

If there are any questions that are not mentioned, please ask on our new facebook page.

And spread the word! We need our members back! :D We believe in you guys!

Thank-you, that is your first OHP NEWS BULLETIN.

~Control Brain REL